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Lip Wrinkles

Lip wrinkles are among the first age signs to appear on your face in nearly all cases.

About Lip Wrinkles

It is difficult to emphasize just how important the lips are to the overall impression of the face and to the way that we are all perceived by one another. As the center of spoken language, the lips give off many subtle cues that tip off our brains as to the mood, intent, and nature of the speaker. In other words, your lips say a lot about you. The problem is that as you age, you might lose some control over what those lips are saying.

Smoking and sun damage can adversely affect the appearance of your lips. Quitting smoking and taking care to apply sunscreen will help keep your lips as smooth as possible. Good hydration and nutrition will also keep your lips healthy and pretty. In some cases, a potent combination of genetics and wear and tear will make your lips wrinkle and age more quickly than the rest of your face. This can cause some patients to feel uncomfortable with his or her appearance.


How it can be treated?

These are the options of treatment for this condition. Please click on each treatment for more information.

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