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Ageing Face

Do you look older than your age on your drivers licence?

About The Ageing process

A gracefully aging face is a beautiful thing, but there are changes that occur with age that we would like to slow down. A lot of changes take place when we age. Foreheads expand as hairlines retract, ears often get a bit longer, and the tip of the nose droops. When we are younger the fat is evenly distributed on our face, but with age that fat loses volume, clumps up, and shifts downward, so features that were formerly round may sink, and skin that was smooth and tight gets loose and sags. Meanwhile, other parts of the face gain fat, particularly the lower half, so we tend to get baggy around the chin and jowly in the neck.

And, of course there are the wrinkles. Those deep ones in the forehead and between the eyebrows are called expression, or animation, lines. They are the result of facial muscles continually tugging on, and eventually creasing the skin. Other folds may also get deeper, because of the way fat decreases and moves around. Finer wrinkles are due to sun damage, smoking, and natural degeneration of elements of the skin that keep it thick and supple.


How it can be treated?

These are the options of treatment for this condition. Please click on each treatment for more information.

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